A mastermind group provides a great opportunity to allow your inner circle to benefit others. Each of you has a contacts and knowledge that can be of value to a variety of people whether he or she works for a nonprofit organization or is an executive with a Fortune 500 company.
Finally, don’t underestimate who and what you know. Always look for ways you can offer help first. Build a reputation for being a “giver.” Brainstorm how your expertise or contacts can help others. Be the first to give. You’ll derive personal satisfaction in helping others. If you focus on giving and being of service to others, people will want to give back to you!
Identify three areas where you require support. Identify one person this week that could provide support in one of those areas and invite that person to join your mastermind group. Brainstorm with that person about how you could help each other achieve your respective goals. Discuss possible future members for the mastermind group, existing contacts, and resources you might each have that would help one another.
When it comes to teamwork, the math you learned in school doesn’t apply. One plus one equals far more than two. And one plus any other number can equal unstoppable results.
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