Here are Ten Ways to Reverse the Feeling of Being Burned Out
1. Get adequate sleep and exercise daily.
2. Eat a balanced diet, maintain the proper weight, and take vitamins and food supplements.
3. Make positive use of your past and future.
4. Have something to look forward to.
5. Always be learning new.
6. Say no when asked to do things that are out of line with your dreams and goals.
7. Travel more and expand your network of friends.
8. Make a habit of dream building.
9. Set incremental, concrete goals, while keeping your plans flexible.
10. Regular associate with caring, supportive people who are where you want to be and can offer you advice and encouragement.
Do Your Best to Include Your Spouse – Ask for His or Her Support with Your Dreams and Goals
1. Use the fun/work vacation plan. By nature, positive producers often dislike vacations – it keeps them away from their beloved work! We need work the way an eagle needs to fly – we can’t stay away from it for very long. Still, we all need occasional short vacations and rest periods.
2. Let the money you earn benefit you both. Positive producers love to work, but as their financial picture brightens, they need to remember that they are also working to achieve dreams and goals – not only for themselves, but for their families as well.
3. Have frank discussion. Positive produces are single-minded, determined, and purposeful – but that doesn’t mean they’re always right. Evict your ego so you aren’t blinded to your faults. Listen, always be humble, accept responsibility for your behavior, and keep those conversational channels open. This goes a long way in creating and maintaining a happy marriage.
4. Use time-saving devices. Positive producers tend to put people on their own schedule rather than adapt to the schedules of others. This is egocentric/self-centered and arrogant, and reflects an attitude of “It’s all about me” – which is extremely ineffective in building a win-win marriage, or any kind of relationship for that matter.
5. Establish roles. Many positive producers assume they have to do everything themselves in order for things to be done right. But a perfectionist attitude can be extremely/tremendously offensive to a spouse. Instead, the positive producer needs to respect and encourage the spouse to handle that person’s share of the responsibilities.
6. Ask for business-related assistance. You know that old line that goes, “If you can’t beat them, join them” As a positive producer, you could reverse that adage and make it, “Since you can’t change my commitment to my business activities, then you might as well join me.” Be encouraged even if your spouse doesn’t want to help you with your business right now. He or she will most likely want to participate later as your attitude, enthusiasm, and success increase. Perhaps when your spouse observes how much fun you’re having, the new friends you’re making, and that you’re substantially increasing your income by doing it, this could be the catalyst for such a change.
7. Turn criticism into mutual appreciation. No one gets a free ride in life-especially entrepreneurs. As you achieve more success in your business, you will probably receive greater respect from your family. To encourage that, readily show the correlation between your positive productivity, your vision of a better life, and your ability to provide for your family. They might complain in the beginning, but keep persisting with what you know you need to do, and rewards will come for everyone.
8. Coordinate scheduling. Coordinate your calendar so you can make the best use of your time. The more you coordinate your schedule with your spouse’s, the more you’ll be able to continue your work – doing it together to whatever degree you can – and not be apart.
9. Give in - on both sides. Both the spouses and the positive producer (hopefully the spouse will become a positive producer as well!) need to develop mature love, which includes, among other things, patience, tolerance, respect, gratitude, a giving, positive frame of mind, flexibility, and appreciation for the other person. Before each comments about the other’s habits, attitudes, or behaviors, each need to do his or her best to understand the reasons behind such development.
Focus on arriving at a win-win situation rather than just criticizing and creating resentment/anger and a stand-off. Focus on establishing family peace rather than inciting a family debate that keeps the disagreement alive rather than resolving it. Agree to disagree on certain matters where agreeing isn’t essential for family harmony.
Success in business is of less value if you fail on the home front. But always do your utmost to be understanding of your spouse’s concerns, know what you’re working for and why, and stay focused.
“When you work to make your dreams come true, coupled with the noble and rewarding focus of reaching out and helping others, you are doing the right thing and working for the best reasons.”
“When our attitude is right about doing good work, as we build our business or career, and our actions reflect our attitude, our work is outstanding. A proper attitude, when habitual and fueled by our dreams, goals, or objectives is a natural incentive for a positive producer.”
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